Well, we made it safely to Carlisle, PA. It was a fun trip, filled with good fellowship and conversation. I have met lots of wonderful men who love the Lord and delight in serving him. I am really looking forward to seeing how God works the rest of the week.
When we arrived at the hotel this evening, we played some whiffle ball until the guys from Canada showed up:
When they finally arrived, all of us went to dinner (20 total) at the Olive Garden. I really enjoyed it and was excited to hear how God is at work in Ontario through the ARP and the CRC.
Tomorrow is book shopping and then the conference begins later in the day. Should be fun!
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on Monday, May 26, 2008
at Monday, May 26, 2008
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My name is Dan Layman. I am currently a student at Reformed Theological Seminary and a pastoral intern at Uptown Church (PCA) in
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