Banner sessions  

Posted by Dan Layman in

Hey everyone! Things are going well here at Banner! The sessions have been excellent thus far and I really sense that the Lord is impressing upon me more and more the weightiness of the call to preach the gospel. I know that I am completely dependent upon him to equip me for the task, and it is refreshing to be reminded of exactly what it looks and feels like to trust the Spirit all along the way.

The living arrangements here are quite interesting. There are five of us in a sort of dorm-condo. Brandon, Andy, and I are in one room and two other gentlemen we don't really know are in the other room. To be honest, I forgot just how uncomfortable it was to sleep on dorm beds. And I forgot just how "interesting" dorm food is. Nonetheless, I try to press on with thankfulness for what the Lord has provided.

I have pretty much spent most of my book budget. I brought some money with me but an anonymous donor gave a considerable amount to the five seminary students in our group. This has given me the privilege of purchasing several commentaries as well as some biographies and other stuff. I still am trying to figure out how all of us will manage to get our boxes into the van. I guess we'll be holding them.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, May 28, 2008 at Wednesday, May 28, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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